File Systems in Unix |
Contents |
1 Introduction |
In Unix, the files are organized into a tree structure with a root named by the character ’/’. The first few |
levels of the tree look like this: |
/ |
| |
--------------------- |
/ | | | \ |
etc bin usr tmp dev |
| | |
------ -------- |
/ \ / \ |
ls .. csh ucb ... lib |
Your own files form a subtree of this tree. For example, in many systems the user files are subdirectories |
of a directory named ‘home’ within ‘usr’; if we had users Jack and Jill, for example, Jack’s home directory |
would be /usr/home/jack, and all his files would be within that subtree, and the analogous statement would |
hold for Jill. |
Suppose Jill’s directory looks like this: |
jill |
| |
/ | | | \ |
hill water pail story misc |
| | |
/ \ | |
fresh salt rocks |
File names can be given either in relative terms, or with full path names. Look at the file ‘salt’ above. If we |
are in the directory ‘water’, we can refer to this file as simply |
salt |
If we are in the directory above, i.e. the one named ‘jill’, then we must write |
water/salt |
If we are in the directory ‘misc’, we can write either |
../salt |
or |
˜/water/salt |
If we are not in any of Jill’s directories, we can write |
˜jill/water/salt |
In any case, the full pathname will work: |
/usr/home/jill/water/salt |
2 File Types |
There are four types of files in the Unix file system. |
2.1 Ordinary Files |
An ordinary file may contain text, a program, or other data. It can be either an ASCII file, with each of its |
bytes being in the numerical range 0 to 127, i.e. in the 7-bit range, or a binary file, whose bytes can be of all |
possible values 0 to 255, in the 8-bit range. |
2.2 Directory Files |
Suppose that in the directory x I have a, b and c, and that b is a directory, containing files u and v. Then b |
can be viewed not only as a directory, containing further files, but also as a file itself. The file b consists of |
information about the directory b; i.e. the file b has information stating that the directory b has files u and v, |
how large they are, when they were last modified, etc. |
1 |
2.3 Device Files |
In Unix, physical devices (printers, terminals etc.) are represented as “files.” This seems odd at first, but it |
really makes sense: This way, the same |
read() |
and |
write() |
functions used to read and write real files can |
also be used to read from and write to these devices. |
2.4 Link Files |
Suppose we have a file X, and type |
ln X Y |
If we then run |
ls |
, it will appear that a new file, Y, has been created, as a copy of X, as if we had typed |
cp X Y |
However, the difference is the |
cp |
does create a new file, while |
ln |
merely gives an alternate name to an old |
file. If we make Y using |
ln |
, then Y is merely a new name for the same physical file X. |
3 Obtaining Information About the Files in a Given Directory |
The ‘a’ (“all”) and ‘l’ (“long”) options of the |
ls |
command will give us a lot of information about files in a |
specified directory (if we don’t specify a directory, then the current directory is assumed). Here is a sample |
output from typing |
ls -al |
drwxr-xr-x 6 ecs4005 1024 Apr 22 13:30 ./ |
drwxr-xr-x 74 root 1536 Mar 24 12:51 ../ |
-rw------- 1 ecs4005 188 Apr 13 15:53 .login |
-rw------- 1 ecs4005 6 Mar 24 11:29 .logout |
-rw------- 1 ecs4005 253 Apr 10 12:50 .xinitrc |
-rw-r--r-- 1 ecs4005 516 Apr 10 13:00 .twmrc |
-rw-r--r-- 1 ecs4005 1600 Apr 22 10:59 test2.out |
The |
ls |
command gets its information about the directory b by reading the file b. |
1 |
The output is separated into six columns: |
1st column - access permissions (see below) |
2nd column - number of file entries (in the case of directory files) |
3rd column - owner |
4th column - size in bytes |
5th column - date and time of last modification |
6th column - name |
4 File Access Control |
In Unix, all files are protected under some access control mechanism, so that the owner of a file can deny |
access of his files to other users. The first column of the long directory list shows the access characteristics |
of a file, in te form of 10 ags, e.g. drwxr-xr-x. |
The meanings of the ags are shown below: |
Position 1 file type: d (directory) |
- (ordinary file) |
l (symbolic link) |
Position 2-4 permissions for the owner: r (read) |
w (write) |
x (execute) |
Position 5-7 permissions for other users in the same group |
Position 8-10 permissions for all other users |
Note that a hyphen (‘-’) denotes lack of the given permission type. For example, r-x would mean that read |
and execute permission are granted, but not write permission. |
In order to remove a file, you must have write permission for it. |
In order to view the contents of a directory, i.e. see what files are there, you need read permission for that |
directory. In order to actually access a file (read from it, write to it, or execute it) in the directory, you need |
execute permission for the directory. |
5 Some File Commands |
5.1 chmod |
You can use this command to change the access permissions of any file for which you are the owner. The |
notation used is: |
u user (i.e. owner) |
g group |
o others |
+ add permission |
- remove permission |
r read |
w write |
x execute |
As an example, the command |
chmod ugo+rw .login |
would add read and write permission for all users to the .login file of the person issuing this command. |
In some cases it is useful for a user to deny himself/herself permission to write to a file, e.g. to make sure |
he/she doesn’t remove the file by mistake. |
5.2 du and df |
The du command displays the sizes in kilobytes of all files in the specified directory, and the total of all |
those sizes; if no directory is specified, the current directory is assumed. |
The df command displays the amount of unused space left in your disk systems. |
5.3 diff |
This command displays line-by-line differences between two ASCII files. If for example, you have two |
versions of a C source file but don’t remember how the new version differs from the old one, you could type |
diff oldprog.c newprog.c |
6 Wild Cards |
These will save you a lot of typing! |
There are two wild-card characters in Unix, ‘*’ and ‘?’. |
The wildcard ‘*’ will matches with any string of characters. For example, |
rm *.c |
would delete all files in the current directory whose names end with ‘.c’. |
The wildcard ‘?’ will match with any single character. For example, |
rm x?b.c |
would delete all files whose names consisted of five characters, the first of which was ‘x’ and the last three |
of which were ‘b.c’. Example: rm prog?.c will delete all the files (in the current directory) The files x3b.c |
and xrb.c would be deleted, while the file xuvb.c would not. |
In addition, |
[0-9] matches character from ‘0’ through ‘9’ |
[a-z] matches character from ‘a’ through ‘z’ |
For instance, |
rm test[1-3].c |
would remove test1.c, test2.c and test3.c but not test4.c. |
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