Q.1 |
What is a database? Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using of DBMS. |
(7) |
Ans: Database |
– A database is a collection of related data and/or information stored so |
that it is available to many users for dif ferent purp oses. |
Advantages Of DBMS |
1. |
Centralized Management and Control |
- One of the main advantages of using a |
database system is that the organization can exert, via the DBA, centralized |
management and control over the data. |
2. |
Reduction of Redundancies and Inconsistencies - |
Centralized control avoids |
unnecessary duplication of data and effectively reduces the total amount of data |
storage required. Removing redundancy eliminates inconsistencies. |
3. |
Data Sharing |
- A database allows the sharing of data under its control by an y |
number of application programs or users. |
4. |
Data Integrity |
- Data integrity means that the data contained in the database is both |
accur ate and consistent. Centralized control can also ensure that adequate checks are |
incorporated in the DBMS to provide data integrity. |
5. |
Data Security |
- Data is of vital importance to an organization and may be |
confidential. Such confidential data must not be accessed by unauthorized persons. |
The DBA who has the u ltimate responsibility for the data in the DBMS can ensure |
that proper access procedures are followed. Different levels of secu rity could be |
implemented for various types of data and operations. |
6. |
Data Independence |
- Data independence is the capacity to chan ge the schema at |
one level of a database system without having to change the schema at the next |
level. It is usually considered from two points of view: physical data independence |
and logical data independence. Physical data independence is the capacity to change |
the internal schema without having to change conceptual schema. Logical data |
independence is the capacity to chan ge the conceptual schema without having to |
change external schemas or application programs. |
7. |
Providing Storage Structures for Efficient Query Processing - |
Database systems |
provide capabilities for efficiently ex ecuting queries and updates. Auxiliary files |
called |
indexes |
ar e used for this purpose. |
8. |
Backup and Recovery - |
These facilities are provided to recover databases from |
hardware and/or so ftware failures. |
Some o ther advantages are: |
Reduced Application Development Time |
Flexibility |
Availability of up-to-date Information |
Disadvantages Of DBMS |
1. |
Cost of Software/Hardware and Migration |
- A significant disadvantage of the |
DBMS system is cost. |
2. |
Reduced Response and T hroughput |
- The processing overhead introduced by the |
DBMS to implement security, integrity, and sharing of the data causes a degradation |
of the response and throughput times. |
3. |
Problem with Centralization |
- Centr alization also means that the data is accessible |
from a single source namely the database. This increases the potential of security |
breach es and disruption of the operation of the organization because of downtimes |
and failures. |
Q.2 |
Explain five duties of Database Administrator. |
(7) |
Ans: |
1. DBA administers the three lev els of the database and, in consultation with the |
overall user community, sets up the definition of the global view or conceptual level |
of the database. |
2. Mappings between the internal and the conceptual levels, as well as between the |
conceptual and external levels, ar e also defined by the DBA. |
3. DBA ensur es that appropriate measures are in place to maintain the integrity of the |
database and that the database is not accessible to unauthorized users. |
4. DBA is responsible for granting permission to the users of the database and stores |
the profile of each user in the database. |
5. DBA is responsible for defining procedu res to recover the database from failures |
with minimal loss of data. |
Q.3 |
Explain the terms primary key, candidate key and foreign key. Give an example for |
each. |
(7) |
Ans: Primary Key |
– Primary key is one of the candidate keys that uniquely |
identifies each row in the relation. |
Candidate Key |
– A candidate key of an entity set is a minimal superkey, that uniquely |
identifies each row in the relation. |
Foreign Key |
– Let there are two relations (tables) |
R |
and |
S |
. An y candidate key of the |
relation |
R |
which is referred in the relation |
S |
is called the |
foreign key |
in |
the relation |
S |
and |
referenced key |
in the relation |
R |
. |
The relation |
R |
is |
also called as |
parent table |
and relation |
S |
is also called as |
child table |
. |
For ex ample: |
Enrl No |
Mobile |
Roll No Name |
City |
11 17 Ankit Vats Delhi 9891663808 |
15 16 Vivek Rajput Meerut 9891468487 |
6 6 Vanita Punjab |
33 75 Bhavya Delhi 9810618396 |
Grade |
Roll No Course |
6 C A |
17 VB C |
75 VB A |
6 DBMS B |
16 C B |
Roll No is the primary key in the relation STUDENT and Roll No + Course is the |
primary key of the relation GRADE. |
Enrl No and Roll No are the candidate keys of the relation STUDENT. |
Roll No in the relation GRADE is a foreign key whose values must be one of those |
of the relation STUDENT. |
Q.4 |
Differentiate between logical database design and ph ysical database design. Show how |
this separation leads to data independence. |
(7) |
Ans: |
Basis Logical Database Design Physical Database Design |
Task Maps or transforms the conceptual |
The specifications for the stored |
schema (or an ER schema) from the |
database in terms of physical storage |
high-lev el data model into a |
structures, record placement, and |
relational database schema. |
indexes are designed. |
Choice of |
The mapping can proceed in two |
The following criteria are often used |
criteria |
stages: |
to guide the choice of physical |
database design options: |
System-independent mapping |
but data model-dependent |
Response Time |
Tailoring the schemas to a |
Space Utilization |
specific DBMS |
Transaction Throughput |
Result DDL statements in the language of |
An initial determination of storage |
the chosen DBMS that specify the |
structures and the access paths for |
conceptual and ex ternal level |
the database files. This corresponds |
schemas of the datab ase system. But |
to defining the internal schema in |
if the DDL statements include some |
terms of Data Storage Definition |
physical design parameters, a |
Language. |
complete DDL specification must |
wait until after the physical |
database design phase is completed. |
The database design is divided into several phases. The logical database design and |
physical database design are two of them. This separation is generally based on the |
concept of three-level architecture of DBMS, which provides the data independence. |
Therefo re, we can say that this separation leads to data independence because the output |
of the logical database design is the conceptual and external level schemas of the database |
system which is independent from the output of the ph ysical database design that is |
internal schema. |
Q.5 |
Consider the following relation schemes: |
(2 |
× |
7=14) |
Project (Project#, Project_name, chief_architect) |
Employee (Emp#, Empname) |
Assigned_To (Project#, Emp#) |
Give expression in Tuple calculus and Domain calculus for each of the queries below: |
(i) |
Get the employee numb ers of employees who work on all projects. |
(ii) |
Get the employee numbers of employees who do not work on the COMP123 |
project. |
Ans: |
( i) T up le Ca l cu lu s: |
{t[Emp#] | t |
p (p |
u (u |
p[Project#] = u[Project#] |
t[Emp#] = u[Emp#]))} |
Domain Calculus: |
{e | |
p ( |
p |
( |
, n |
, c |
> |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
, e> |
1 |
(ii) Tuple Calculus |
: |
{t[Emp#] | t |
¬ |
u (u |
u [ P ro j ect # ] = ‘ C OM P 1 23 ’ |
t[ Em p # ] = u [ Emp # ] ) } |
Domain Calculus: |
{e | |
p ( |
p |
, e |
( |
, e |
> |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
p |
‘COMP123’ |
e |
e))} |
1 |
1 |
Q.6 |
What is ODBC? How does Or acle act as ODBC and give examples of front end uses with |
(7) |
Ans: |
– Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC) enable the integration of SQL with a |
general-purpose programming language. ODBC expose database capabilities in a |
standardized way to the application programmer through an application programming |
interface (API). Using ODBC, an application can access not just one DBMS but several |
different ones simultaneously. |
ODBC achieve portability at the level of the executable by introducing an extra level of |
indirection. All direct interaction with a specific DBMS happens through a DBMS- |
specific driver. A driver is a software pro gram that translates the ODBC calls into DBMS- |
specific calls. Drivers are loaded dynamically on demand since the DBMSs the |
application is going to access are known only at run-time. Available drivers are registered |
with a driver manager. The Oracle database driver translates the SQL commands from the |
application into equivalent commands that the Oracle DBMS understands and takes the |
result from the DBMS and translate |
into equivalen t form for the application. |
Example: Let there b e a DSN named EMPLOYEE through, which we want to access the |
Oracle d atabase in Visual Basic. |
Dim CN As New ADODB.Connection |
Dim RS As New ADODB.Recordset |
CN.Open “DSN=employee”, “scott”, “tiger” |
RS.Open “Select * From Emp”, CN |
Q.7 |
Define the five basic operators of relational algebra with an ex ample each. |
(7) |
Ans: Five basic operators of relational algebra are: |
1. Union |
( |
) |
- |
Selects tuples that are in either P or Q or in both of them. |
The |
duplicate tuples are eliminated |
. |
R = P |
Q |
2. Minus (–) - |
Removes common tuples from the first relation. |
R = P – Q |
3. Cartesian Product or Cross Product ( |
× × |
) |
- |
The cartesian product of two |
× |
relations is the concatenation of tuples belonging to the two relations and consisting of |
all possible combination of the tuples |
. |
× |
R = P |
Q |
For Ex ample: |
P: |
Q |
: |
ID Name |
ID |
Name |
101 Jones |
100 John |
103 Smith |
104 Lalonde |
104 Lalonde |
R = P |
Q R = P – Q |
ID Name |
ID Name |
100 John |
101 Jones |
101 Jones |
103 Smith |
103 Smith |
104 Lalonde |
R = P |
× |
Q |
P.ID P.Name Q.ID Q.Name |
101 Jones 100 John |
101 Jones 104 Lalonde |
103 Smith 100 John |
103 Smith 104 Lalonde |
104 Lalonde 100 John |
104 Lalonde 104 Lalonde |
4. Projection ( |
p |
) - |
The projection of a relation is defined as a projection of all its tuples |
over some set of attributes, i.e., it yields a |
vertical subset |
of the relation. It is used to |
either |
reduce |
the number of attributes (d egree) in the resultant relation or to |
reorder |
attributes. The projection of a relation T on the attribute A is denoted by |
p |
(T). |
A |
5. Selection ( |
s |
) - |
Selects only some of the tuples, those satisf y given criteria, from the |
relation. It yields a |
horizontal subset |
of a given relation, i.e., the action is d efined over a |
complete set of attribute names but only a subset of the tuples are included in the result. |
s |
R = |
(P) |
B |
For Ex ample: |
Id Name Name |
101 Jones Jones |
Smith |
103 Smith |
Lalonde |
104 Lalonde |
106 Byron B yron |
Projection of relation EMPLOYE E over attribute Name |
EMPLOYEE: Result of Selection |
Id Name Id Name |
101 Jones 104 Lalonde |
106 B yron |
103 Smith |
104 Lalond e |
106 Byron |
Result of Selection over |
for |
ID > 103 |
Q.8 |
Explain entity integrity and ref erential integrity rules in relational model. Show how |
these ar e realized in SQL. |
(7) |
Ans: |
Entity Integrity Rule – |
No primar y key value can be null. |
Referential Integrity Rule – |
In referential integrity, it is ensured that a value that appears |
in one relation for a giv en set of attributes also appears for a certain set of attributes in |
another r elation. |
In SQL, entity integrity and referential integrity rules are implemented as constraints on |
the relation called as primary key constraint and reference key constraint respectively. |
These constraints can be specified with relation at the time of creation of the relations or |
after the creation of the r elations by alterin g the definition of the relations. For example: |
2 0 |
Q.9 |
What are the advantages of embedded query language? Give an ex ample of a embedded |
SQL query. |
(7) |
Ans: |
Embedded query language – |
SQL can b e implemented in two ways. It can be used |
interactively or embedded in a host language or by using API. The use of SQL commands |
within a host language (e.g., C, Java, etc.) program is called embedded quer y language or |
Embedded SQL. Although similar capabilities are supported for a variety of host |
languages, the syntax sometimes varies. Some of the advantages of embedded SQL are: |
SQL statements can be used wherever a statement in the host language is allowed. |
It combines the strengths of two programming environments, the procedural features of |
host languages and non-procedural features of SQL. |
SQL statements can refer to variables (must be prefixed by a colon in SQL statements) |
defined in the host pro gr am. |
Special program variables (called null indicators) are used to assign and retriev e the |
NULL values to and from the database. |
The facilities available through the interactive query language are also automatically |
available to the host programs. |
Embedded SQL alon g with host languages can be used to accomplish ver y complex and |
complicated data access and manipulation tasks. |
Example: The following Embedded SQL statemen t in C inserts a row, whose column |
values ar e based on the values of the host language variables contained in it |
. |
INSERT INTO Sailors VALUES (:c_sname, :c_sid, :c_rating, :c_age); |
Q.10 |
Consider the following relations: |
(3.5 x 2=7) |
SP (S#, P#, QTY) |
Give an ex pression in SQL fo r each of qu eries below: |
(i) Get supplier names for supplier who supply at least one red part |
(ii) Get supplier names for supplier who do not supply part P2. |
Ans:(i) |
(ii) |
Q.11 |
Define a view and a trigger. Construct a view for the above relations which has the |
information about supp liers and the parts they supply. The view contains the S#, |
SNAME, P# , PNAME renamed as SNO, NAME, PNO, PNAME. |
(7) |
2 1 |
Ans: |
View – |
A view is a virtual table which is based on the one or more physical tables and/or |
views. In other words, a view is a named table that is represented, not by its own |
physically separate stored data, but by its definition in terms of other named tables (base |
tables or views). |
Trigger – |
A trigger is a procedure that is automatically invoked by the DBMS in the |
response to specified ch anges to the database. Triggers may be used to supplement |
declarative referential integrity, to enforce complex business rules or to audit changes to |
data. |
Command: |
WHERE S.S# = SP.S# AND P.P# = SP.P# |
Q.12 |
Differentiate between the following: |
(10) |
(i) Theta Join. (ii) Equi Join. (iii) Natural Join |
(iv) Outer Join. |
Ans:(i) Theta Join – |
The theta join operation is an extension to the natural-join |
operation that allows us to combine selection and a Cartesian product into a single |
operation. Consider relations |
r(R) |
and |
s(S) |
, and let be a predicate on attributes in the |
schema |
R |
S |
. The theta join operation |
r |
s |
is defined as follows: |
s |
r |
s = |
(r x s) |
(ii) |
Equi Join – |
It produces all the combinations of tuples from two relations that |
satisfy a join condition with only equality comparison (=). |
(iii) |
Natural Join - |
Same as equi-join except that the join attributes (having same |
names) are not included in the resulting relation. Only one sets of domain compatible |
attributes involved in the natural join are present. |
(iv) |
Outer Join - |
If there ar e any values in on e table that do not h ave corresponding |
value(s) in the other, in an equi-join that will not be selected. Such rows can be forcefully |
selected by using the outer join. The corresponding columns for that row will have |
X |
NULLs. There are actually three forms of the outer-join operation: left outer join ( |
), |
X |
X |
right outer join ( |
) and full outer join ( |
). |
Q.13 |
What are temporary tables? When are they useful? Justify with an example. |
(4) |
Ans: |
Temporary tables exists solely for a particular session, or whose data persists for the |
duration of the transaction. The temporary tables are generally used to support specialized |
rollups or specific application processing requirements. Unlike a p ermanent table, a space |
is not allocated to a temporary table when it is created. Space will be dynamically |
allocated for the table as rows are inserted. The CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY |
TABLE command is used to create a temporary table in Oracle. |
Q.14 |
Draw and explain the three level architecture of the database system. |
(7) |
Ans: |
A DBMS provides three levels of data is said to follow three-level architecture. The goal |
of the three-schema architecture is to separate the user applications and the physical |
database. The view at each of these levels is described by a schema. The processes of |
transforming requests and results between lev els are called |
mappings |
. In this architecture, |
schemas can be defined at the following three levels: |
External Level or Subschema – |
It is the highest level of database abstraction where |
only those portions of the database of concern to a user or application program are |
included. Any number o f user views (some of which may be identical) may exist for a |
given global or conceptual view. Each external view is described b y means of a schema |
called an |
external schema |
or |
subschema |
. |
Conceptual Level or Conceptual Schema - |
At th is level of database abstraction all the |
database entities and the relationships among them are included. One conceptual view |
represents the entire database. This conceptual view is defined by the |
conceptual |
schema |
. There is only one conceptual schema per database. The description of data at |
this level is in a format independent of its physical repr esentation. It also includes |
featur es that specify the checks to retain data consistency and integrity. |
Internal Level or Physical Schema – |
It is closest to the physical storage method used. |
It indicates how the d ata will be stored and describes the data structures and access |
methods to be used by the database. The internal view is expressed by the |
internal schema |
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