1.Discuss Performance Analysis and Performance Measurement. |
2.Discuss Time and Space complexity with example. A also discuss average, best and worst case analysis for it. |
3.Define Data Structure and classify it. |
4.Define array and give its representation. |
5.Discuss applications of an array. |
6.Discuss sparse matrix and its representation. |
7.Discuss a stack with all its operations. Write algorithms for all those operation. |
8.Write user-defined functions in C to perform four stack operations. |
9.Write a Recognize algorithm. |
10.Define the concept of recursion with suitable example. |
11.Discuss a stack application "Tower of Hanoi" with algorithm. |
12.Write user-defined function in C for Tower of Hanoi for N discs and 3 Towers. |
13.Write a 'C’ program for followings using recursion: |
a.GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) |
b.Factorial |
c.Decimal to its equivalent Binary number conversion |
14.Explain Postfix Notation in detail with suitable example. |
15.Write an algorithm or ‘C’ user defined function for convergence of a given infix |
notation to postfix notation using stack. |
16.Write a 'C' program to convert parenthesis-less infix expression to postfix expression. |
17.Convert following infix expression into postfix format showing stack status after every step in tabular form. |
a.A+(B*C-(D/E^F)*G)*H b. (A*B+(C/D))-F |
c. A*B/C/D-E*F*G*(H-2) d. X/2/N-2$M/3 |
e. A+B+C+2/9*3*4 f. A + B*(C+ D/E*F* (G + H) * I)- K |
g. (A + B * C / D - E + F / G / ( H + I)) |
h. ( A + B ) * C + D / ( B + A * C ) + D |
I. A*(B+C/D*E)/(F+G*H/(I+J)) j. A+B*C-D/E*H |
k. ((A+B)*C-(D-E))$(F+G) |
l. P * (Q - R/S * T) / (A + B * C/D + E)) + F |
18.Convert following infix expressions to polish(prefix) notation. |
a.A+B*C-D/E*H b. A*(B+C/D*E)/(F+G*H/(I+J)) |
19.Write an algorithm for evaluation of postfix expression. |
20.Evaluate the following expression showing status of stack in tabular Form: |
a.5 4 6 + * 4 9 3 / + * b . 7 5 2 + * 4 1 1 + / - |
20.Consider the following arithmetic expression P, written in postfix notation. Translate it in infix notation |
and evaluate. P: 12, 7, 3, -, /, 2, 1, 5, +, *, + |
21.State the difference between LIFO and FIFO. |
22.Discuss representation of Queue and operations on Queue. |
23.Write an algorithm to insert an element into and delete an element from singly queue. |
Thanx for the post.It is realy nice work.This set is very good for Data Structure.