Tuesday, January 10, 2012


1.Discuss Performance Analysis and Performance Measurement.
2.Discuss Time and Space complexity with example. A also discuss average, best and worst case analysifor it.
3.Define Data Structure and classify it.
4.Define array and give its representation.
5.Discuss applications of an array.
6.Discuss sparse matrix and its representation.
7.Discuss a stack with all its operations. Write algorithms for all those operation.
8.Write user-defined functions in C to perform four stack operations.
9.Write a Recognize algorithm.
10.Define the concept of recursion with suitable example.
11.Discuss a stack application "Tower of Hanoi" with algorithm.
12.Write user-defined function in C for Tower of Hanoi for N discs and 3 Towers.
13.Write a 'C’ program for followings using recursion:
a.GCD (Greatest Common Divisor)
c.Decimal to its equivalent Binary number conversion
14.Explain Postfix Notation in detail with suitable example.
15.Write an algorithm or ‘C’ user defined function for convergence of a given infix 
notation to postfix notation using stack.
16.Write a 'C' program to convert parenthesis-less infix expression to postfix expression.
17.Convert following infix expression into postfix format showing stack status after every step in tabular form.

a.A+(B*C-(D/E^F)*G)*H      b.     (A*B+(C/D))-F
c.    A*B/C/D-E*F*G*(H-2)      d.     X/2/N-2$M/3
e.    A+B+C+2/9*3*4       f.      A + B*(C+ D/E*F* (G + H) * I)- K
g.       (A + B * C / D - E + F / G / ( H  + I))
h.         ( A + B ) * C + D / (  B + A * C ) + D
I.    A*(B+C/D*E)/(F+G*H/(I+J))    j.      A+B*C-D/E*H
k.   ((A+B)*C-(D-E))$(F+G)
l.     P * (Q - R/S * T)  / (A + B * C/D + E)) + F
18.Convert following infix expressions to polish(prefix) notation.
a.A+B*C-D/E*H    b.    A*(B+C/D*E)/(F+G*H/(I+J))
19.Write an algorithm for evaluation of postfix expression.
20.Evaluate the following expression showing status of stack in tabular Form:
a.5 4 6 + * 4 9 3 / + *               b .     7   5   2   +   *   4   1   1   +   /   -
20.Consider the following arithmetic expression P, written in postfix notation. Translate it in infix notation
and evaluate.         P: 12, 7, 3, -, /, 2, 1, 5, +, *, +
21.State the difference between LIFO and FIFO.
22.Discuss representation of Queue and operations on Queue.
23.Write an algorithm to insert an element into and delete an element from singly queue.

Salient Features Of Unix

The Salient features of unix are :
1. Popularity  : The unix operating  system have wide range of computing  power  from microcomputers, mainframes and different manufacture’s machine.
2. Portability : It is easier to read, understand, change and move to other machines because it is written in high-level language. The code can be changed and complied on a new machine. Users   can then choose from a wide variety of hardware vendors without being locked in with a particular vendor.
3. Machine-independence : The system is machine-independent. So , it is easier to write applications that can run on micros, mins and mainframes because the system hides the machine architecture from the user.
4. Multi-User Operations : UNIX is a multi-user system designed to support a group of users simultaneously. The system allows for the sharing of processing power and peripheral resources, white at the same time providing excellent security features.
5. Hierarchical File System :  UNIX uses a hierarchile file structure to store information. This structure has the maximum flexibility in grouping information in a way that reflects its natural state. It allows for easy maintenance and efficient implementation.
6. UNIX shell : UNIX has a simple user interface called the shell that has the power to provide the services that the user wants. It protects the user from having to know the intricate hardware details.
7. Pipes and Filters : UNIX has facilities called Pipes and Filters which permit the user to create complex programs from simple programs.
8. Utilities : UNIX has over 200 utility programs for various functions. New utilities can be built effortlessly by combining existing utilities.
9. Software Development Tools : UNIX offers an excellent variety of tools for software development for all phases, from program editing to maintenance of software.


File Systems in Unix
1 Introduction
In Unix, the files are organized into a tree structure with a root named by the character ’/’. The first few
levels of the tree look like this:
/ | | | \
etc bin usr tmp dev
| |
------ --------
/ \ / \
ls .. csh ucb ... lib
Your own files form a subtree of this tree. For example, in many systems the user files are subdirectories
of a directory named ‘home’ within ‘usr’; if we had users Jack and Jill, for example, Jack’s home directory
would be /usr/home/jack, and all his files would be within that subtree, and the analogous statement would
hold for Jill.
Suppose Jill’s directory looks like this:
/ | | | \
hill water pail story misc
| |
/ \ |
fresh salt rocks
File names can be given either in relative terms, or with full path names. Look at the file ‘salt’ above. If we
are in the directory ‘water’, we can refer to this file as simply
If we are in the directory above, i.e. the one named ‘jill’, then we must write
If we are in the directory ‘misc’, we can write either
If we are not in any of Jill’s directories, we can write
In any case, the full pathname will work:
2 File Types
There are four types of files in the Unix file system.
2.1 Ordinary Files
An ordinary file may contain text, a program, or other data. It can be either an ASCII file, with each of its
bytes being in the numerical range 0 to 127, i.e. in the 7-bit range, or a binary file, whose bytes can be of all
possible values 0 to 255, in the 8-bit range.
2.2 Directory Files
Suppose that in the directory x I have a, b and c, and that b is a directory, containing files u and v. Then b
can be viewed not only as a directory, containing further files, but also as a file itself. The file b consists of
information about the directory b; i.e. the file b has information stating that the directory b has files u and v,
how large they are, when they were last modified, etc.
2.3 Device Files
In Unix, physical devices (printers, terminals etc.) are represented as “files.” This seems odd at first, but it
really makes sense: This way, the same
functions used to read and write real files can
also be used to read from and write to these devices.
2.4 Link Files
Suppose we have a file X, and type
ln X Y
If we then run
, it will appear that a new file, Y, has been created, as a copy of X, as if we had typed
cp X Y
However, the difference is the
does create a new file, while
merely gives an alternate name to an old
file. If we make Y using
, then Y is merely a new name for the same physical file X.
3 Obtaining Information About the Files in a Given Directory
The ‘a’ (“all”) and ‘l’ (“long”) options of the
command will give us a lot of information about files in a
specified directory (if we don’t specify a directory, then the current directory is assumed). Here is a sample
output from typing
ls -al
drwxr-xr-x 6 ecs4005 1024 Apr 22 13:30 ./
drwxr-xr-x 74 root 1536 Mar 24 12:51 ../
-rw------- 1 ecs4005 188 Apr 13 15:53 .login
-rw------- 1 ecs4005 6 Mar 24 11:29 .logout
-rw------- 1 ecs4005 253 Apr 10 12:50 .xinitrc
-rw-r--r-- 1 ecs4005 516 Apr 10 13:00 .twmrc
-rw-r--r-- 1 ecs4005 1600 Apr 22 10:59 test2.out
command gets its information about the directory b by reading the file b.
The output is separated into six columns:
1st column - access permissions (see below)
2nd column - number of file entries (in the case of directory files)
3rd column - owner
4th column - size in bytes
5th column - date and time of last modification
6th column - name
4 File Access Control
In Unix, all files are protected under some access control mechanism, so that the owner of a file can deny
access of his files to other users. The first column of the long directory list shows the access characteristics
of a file, in te form of 10  ags, e.g. drwxr-xr-x.
The meanings of the  ags are shown below:
Position 1 file type: d (directory)
- (ordinary file)
l (symbolic link)
Position 2-4 permissions for the owner: r (read)
w (write)
x (execute)
Position 5-7 permissions for other users in the same group
Position 8-10 permissions for all other users
Note that a hyphen (‘-’) denotes lack of the given permission type. For example, r-x would mean that read
and execute permission are granted, but not write permission.
In order to remove a file, you must have write permission for it.
In order to view the contents of a directory, i.e. see what files are there, you need read permission for that
directory. In order to actually access a file (read from it, write to it, or execute it) in the directory, you need
execute permission for the directory.
5 Some File Commands
5.1 chmod
You can use this command to change the access permissions of any file for which you are the owner. The
notation used is:
u user (i.e. owner)
g group
o others
+ add permission
- remove permission
r read
w write
x execute
As an example, the command
chmod ugo+rw .login
would add read and write permission for all users to the .login file of the person issuing this command.
In some cases it is useful for a user to deny himself/herself permission to write to a file, e.g. to make sure
he/she doesn’t remove the file by mistake.
5.2 du and df
The du command displays the sizes in kilobytes of all files in the specified directory, and the total of all
those sizes; if no directory is specified, the current directory is assumed.
The df command displays the amount of unused space left in your disk systems.
5.3 diff
This command displays line-by-line differences between two ASCII files. If for example, you have two
versions of a C source file but don’t remember how the new version differs from the old one, you could type
diff oldprog.c newprog.c
6 Wild Cards
These will save you a lot of typing!
There are two wild-card characters in Unix, ‘*’ and ‘?’.
The wildcard ‘*’ will matches with any string of characters. For example,
rm *.c
would delete all files in the current directory whose names end with ‘.c’.
The wildcard ‘?’ will match with any single character. For example,
rm x?b.c
would delete all files whose names consisted of five characters, the first of which was ‘x’ and the last three
of which were ‘b.c’. Example: rm prog?.c will delete all the files (in the current directory) The files x3b.c
and xrb.c would be deleted, while the file xuvb.c would not.
In addition,
[0-9] matches character from ‘0’ through ‘9’
[a-z] matches character from ‘a’ through ‘z’
For instance,
rm test[1-3].c
would remove test1.c, test2.c and test3.c but not test4.c.